MORE Lifestyle Resources
We have found these partners and places helpful in our Sexplorations.
We are sharing them with you because we think you might enjoy them too.
These sites are great for finding & signing-up for lifestyle parties locally or wherever we are traveling.
We also use them for finding & connecting with other like minded sexy people for fun or friendship.
Check them out & join the fun! (We might say "Hi" if we see you join.)
We love Lifestyle clubs & parties. We will share (if we get permission) some that we personally enjoy.
Check them out with the links below you might find just the kind of place you are looking for!
BTW, If you are headed to one of these you just might see us there.
Lauren Hayes
If you are new or want help and guidance as you explore ENM then a Lifestyle coach can help you get on the path for sexy success. You can also expand your knowledge and just have fun listening to Lifestyle podcasts. (We listen together in the car while we travel to events!)
There are many good options out there to learn more, these are just a few of our favorites!
In every episode Chloe Mike share their authentic and fun observations and thoughts from their years of experience in the Swing Lifestyle.
"Explore your Lexuality"
Swinger, Lifestyle, or Sex Positive
Clubs, Parties, & Groups
Shops & Stores